Opulence CBD Vape Juice Opulence CBD Vape Juice

Opulence CBD Vape Juice


The Opulence  CBD Vape Juice  comes in 1200mg and 500mg and has 2 different delicious vape juice flavors including Real Money and True Gold.

Real Money - A decadent flavor that has combined bourbon, creamy vanilla, brown sugar, custard and finished off with a light cheesecake.

True Gold - A refreshing combination of ripe pears, candy watermelon, mangoes and apricot. 

CBD Vape Juice Specifications

  • Contains 30ml of Liquid
  • Available in multiple CBD strengths
  • Available in multiple flavors
  • Contains less than .03% Hemp Derived Delta 9 THC


  • 60% Vegetable Glycerin
  • 40% Propylene Glycol
  • Natural & Artificial Flavorings
  • CBD Distillate
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