High Class All Day Grape eJuice
Flavor profile: Grape, Strawberry
Explore the serene valleys of Napa, California with this High Class flavor of All Day Grape, with every puff of your personal vaping device your taste buds will be transported to the fond memories of the sweetest of grapes reminiscent of the grape juice many of us drank as children. The inhale you will enjoy the sweet grape flavors and on the exhale you will be pleasantly surprised with how we combined the sweetness of a natural strawberry to tie this vape flavor together. Each time you try this eliquid you will get a very consistent flavor level that is moderate on the sweetness level but is also ultra coil friendly. All Day Grape is well loved by many hundreds of reviewers and consumers all over the world, as well is one of the more popular flavors in the entire High Class vape line. Do not pass up this flavor since it puts the "All Day" in All Day Vapes.